Friday, February 28, 2014

What’s In Your Medicine Cabinet?

Medicine cabinets are there to keep our lives in one concise, easy-to-reach place. And what do we most often keep in our medicine cabinets? Medicine, of course! However, if they’re kept out of reach for too long and go without use, they can quickly expire. The red goop in the bottle may have once been cough syrup, but it looks more like congealed jello now. Some of your medications may look like they need to go on life support. It may be time to do some spring cleaning in your cabinet.

A Medicine Cabinet Tool Kit

Besides your prescriptions, all you really need in your medicine cabinet are a few tools. You need medicine to treat minor cuts and burns, headaches, fevers, itching, coughs, runny noses, or allergies. But pay attention to the word “minor” - for severe problems, avoid the medicine cabinet, and go straight to your doctor. The following list is what you should be keeping your medicine cabinet to stay as healthy as possible:

  • For headaches, pains, and fever, keep aspirin in your medicine cabinet. It’s a great fever killer and pain reducer, but it can be rough on your stomach. It can also interfere with blood clotting, so those who take blood thinners or who may have surgery shouldn’t take it. Kids and teens shouldn’t take aspirin, either, since it’s linked to Reye’s syndrome, which can cause the brain and liver to swell.
  • Ibuprofen or naproxen sodium: these are great and effective painkillers for adults and children over 12 years of old.
  • Acetaminophen: This is a pretty decent choice for those who do not want to take aspirin. Acetaminophen, or Tylenol, also comes in doses suitable for kids. Adults should take care when taking acetaminophen - they should avoid any other medications that contain it, like a combination cough-and-cold medication. Overdosing on acetaminophen can be harmful to the liver.
  • Do not, under any circumstances, mix painkillers with alcohol - that’s just bad news. If you have more than three drinks per day, consult your doctor.
  • For cold congestion, keep a stash of decongestants handy. Two of the most commonly used decongestants are pseudoephedrine (found in Sudafed) and phenylephrine (found in Dristan Cold Multi-Symptom Relief). Keep in mind that many laws require that pseudoephedrine be kept behind the counter - you may have to provide identification when purchasing.
  • Good old cough medicine works wonders on a dry, hacking cough. If mucus comes up when you cough, use a medication that loosens secretions, like something with guaifenesin in it.
  • Antihistamines work to relieve runny noses and sneezing, but can also make you sleepy. Take these only if you have a sick day from work.
  • Eyedrops that contain an antihistamine and/or a decongestant can help soothe your itchy eyes.
  • For digestive problems, use calcium carbonate tablets, Maalox or Mylanta, Pepcid or Prilosec. These medications can temporarily relieve acid reflux and nausea. However, if you suffer from these symptoms chronically, see your doctor for a more long-term treatment. He or she can advise you on dietary changes, an exercise regimen - or, they’ll simply tell you to slow down when eating!
  • Be warned - treatments for diarrhea and constipation can cause dependency. Fiber-based products, like Metamucil, are rarely habit-forming, so stick to those whenever possible.
  • For rashes, bug bites, and skin problems, keep calamine lotion and aloe vera close at hand - cortisone is a great help, too.
  • For cuts and burns, keep a stockpile of bandages, gauze pads, medical tape, antibiotic ointment, and hydrogen peroxide handy.

Is your medicine cabinet now looking a bit more new and less encrusted with melted pills? Good! You and your family are well on your way to a healthier, happier life - and more prepared to face trials and illness as they come.

The Common Cold: Causes, Symptoms, and What To Do

The common cold - we’ve all had it. In fact, it’s the most frequently occurring illness is the world, and the leading cause of missed work and school days. But what causes our bodies to weaken, our noses to run, and sleep to take over several times a day when we have it?


Many different viruses can cause a cold, but most of the time, a common cold is caused by the rhinovirus - cute name, but it can seriously affect your whole day or entire week. Rhinoviruses get into your cells lining your nose and start multiplying. It comes from other people - contrary to popular belief, colds do not come from cold weather. Cold weather does, however, make people stay together indoors, and that creates the perfect environment for colds. The virus can be more easily transmitted when people are together in large groups. The virus moves from person to person typically by hand-to-hand contact, airborne droplets, or by touching an intermediate surface, like a doorknob that someone with the virus has touched. From there, if you touch your infected hands to your eyes, well - you’re a bit of a goner when it comes to the cold virus.


Coronaviruses sound like a combination of a good night out and the common cold, but in reality, they’re, well - really just common colds, and cause about 20% of adult colds, according to scientists. Out of the over 30 or 40 coronaviruses, only three or four infect humans, so it’s much more likely that you’ll come down with a rhinovirus.

How can you tell if you’ve come down with the common cold? Symptoms include: sore throat, cough, runny nose, sneezing, nasal stuffiness and drainage, hoarseness, low-grade fever, head and body aches, watery eyes, and fatigue. Signs and symptoms are similar in infants, too - the cold starts with a runny nose, with clear nasal drainage, which can become yellow or green in color. Infants and kids may also be fussy and have decreased appetite. Rarer symptoms include muscle aches, shivering, pink eye, weakness, decreased appetite, and extreme exhaustion. However, about 25% of people with a common cold do not show any signs or symptoms of having one.

But How Do You Feel Better?

Unfortunately, there’s no cure for the common cold. It’s a “self-limited” illness that can change at whim with time and expectant management. Home remedies and treatment can help ease symptoms and get you feeling back to normal faster. Make sure to get plenty of rest and drink plenty of fluids. Over-the-counter medications, like N’ICE lozenges, can help soothe and ease raw throats. Keep in mind that they can lessen symptoms, though they aren’t a cure. Gargling with warm saltwater helps as well. Decongestants or antihistamines can be used for nasal symptoms - saline solutions are also beneficial to your health.

Acetaminophen and ibuprofen can help with reducing fever, making that sore throat feel better, ease your headaches, and soothe your body aches. Don’t use aspirin or medications containing aspirin in kids or teens, since it has been connected with a rare, fatal disease called Reye’s syndrome. Patients with Reye’s show signs of mental status change and will often vomit. That’s not something you want to add on to an already miserable illness. The USDA and manufacturers now say that over-the-counter cough and cold medications not be used on children younger than 4-years-old.

While pushing the fluids, make sure you take your mom’s advice and eat plenty of chicken noodle soup - it’ll keep you hydrated and the protein in the chicken is good for your body. Follow the above simple, easy steps, and your body will be back to normal soon.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Diabetes: Causes, Symptoms, and How N'ICE is Safe for Everyone

Diabetes, or diabetes mellitus, is actually what describes a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood glucose (blood sugar) for one of two reasons: either insulin production is not sufficient, or because the body’s cells don’t properly respond respond to insulin, or a combination of both. The symptoms of high blood sugar include: frequent urination, near-constant thirst, and a strong appetite.

All About Insulin and Diabetes

Insulin is the main hormone that regulates glucose uptake from the blood into most cells; so, an insulin deficiency or a receptor insensitivity is the main cause of all diabetes types.

Type I Diabetes

There are three types of diabetes: Type I, Type II, and Gestational Diabetes. With Type I, the body does not produce insulin. Usually, people who have this disease will develop it before they are forty years old. This type is also commonly referred to as insulin-dependent, juvenile diabetes, or early-onset diabetes - hence getting it before you’re forty. This type isn’t nearly as common as Type II. 10% of all diabetes cases are Type I diabetes. Patients with Type I will have to take insulin injections for the rest of their lives, and need to ensure proper blood sugar levels by monitoring their diets and having regular blood tests performed.

Type II Diabetes

With Type II diabetes, the body doesn’t produce enough insulin to function properly or the cells in the body don’t react to the insulin. Type II is a lifelong, chronic disease. About 90% of all diabetes cases are this type. Some people control their Type II diabetes by losing weight, eating healthily, exercising, and monitoring blood glucose levels.

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes can affect women during pregnancy. Some women have high glucose levels in their blood, and their bodies cannot produce enough insulin to carry the glucose to their cells, which results in high glucose levels. Most of these patients can control their diabetes with diet and exercises that are safe to do during pregnancy.

Keep A Healthy Lifestyle

When living with diabetes, it’s important to take steps to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Make sure you make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your overall health, follow your recommended diet (ask your doctor what he or she suggests if you don’t have one), know what is healthy for you, as a diabetic, to eat (fruits and veggies are paramount), drink at least 6 - 8 cups of water per day (you can also drink tea or coffee, or unless otherwise advised by your doctor), include healthy treats and snacks in your diet, exercise regularly, keep updated records, be watchful for any complications, seek out support groups, ask your doctor how to lower your blood sugar, sleep on a nearly empty stomach, and take your medications as directed by your doctor.

Get Some Sleep

Getting a good night’s rest is imperative for someone with diabetes - seven or more hours are preferred. It’s important to allow your body recovery time for your nerves and other systems to settle down. If you need help sleeping, you can take one antihistamine that doesn’t cause drowsiness and that doesn’t cause higher blood pressure. Do not use any sugary antihistamine syrups. Small protein servings also help for sleep to come on - almonds, chicken, walnuts, pecans, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, and turkey are best.  

N’ICE: The Best Lozenge For You

Luckily, for those with diabetes, N’ICE is diabetic-friendly, gluten-free, sugar-free, and safe to ingest and comes in six different packages: Citrus, Honey Lemon, Orange, Menthol, Cherry, and Assorted. N’ICE lozenges can help you feel better quickly and safely when you’re recovering from a cold or flu - you don’t have to worry about whether or not your doctor approves, because they already do.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

N’ICE Lozenges: Who We Are, What We Do

When you’re sick with a cold, what are the first items you reach for? Probably cold medicine, a blanket, a heating pad, water or a drink packed with electrolytes, the TV remote - maybe even your phone, so you can call your doctor. But what on-site medicine can you take when you don’t have time to gulp down a spoonful of cough syrup or choke down a horse pill? That’s right - you reach for a lozenge, especially if you’re back at work or school, and don’t want to interrupt that important meeting with the boss or your SATs. And N’ICE is just the healthy, tasty lozenge for you.

We’re N’ICE On Your Throat

N’ICE menthol lozenges are cough suppressants and oral anesthetics that temporarily relieve and ease occasional minor irritation, pain, and sore throat/mouth caused by a cough or inhaled irritants. If a sore throat or fever, accompanied with headache, rash, swelling, vomiting and nausea, continues for more than 7 days, see your doctor as soon as possible.

N’ICE Lozenges: Safe, Even For Diabetics

N’ICE lozenges are diabetic-safe, gluten-free, sugarfree, kid-and-adult-friendly, and chock-full of Vitamin C - in fact, they provide your daily dose of it. For years, customers have relied on N’ICE Cough & Throat lozenges to give minor sore throat relief and block coughs that come from common colds - and now, consumers with diabetes can trust that N’ICE cough drops are safe for them to use, as well.

Our Products

N’ICE comes in 5 different flavors for our customers’ many different taste buds! Who else is N’ICE good for, you may ask? Anyone whose throat is dry, scratchy, itchy, or anyone who is coughing incessantly, has a constant tickle in the back of their throat, has a body that feels weak or needs a vitamin C burst, and/or needs temporary throat pain relief.

Healthy Steps

N’ICE products not only provide you with relief from your cough and cold, but also healthy get-well-soon tips, like these gems:

  • Always wash your hands and/or use a hand sanitizer.
  • Drink plenty of fluids or drinks with electrolytes in them, so you can flush bad toxins out of your systems.
  • Eat foods with antioxidants, like blueberries.
  • Do you smoke? Don’t! Smoking weakens your immune system. Building your heart rate up and sweating out bad toxins.
  • Get plenty of rest. It’s important, especially when ill, for our bodies recover, so we can get back to doing what we love.
  • If you have a fever, cool your body down with a cold compress and ice water. If you have chills, still drink the water, but use a heating pad with an automatic turn-off function for aches and pains.
  • Get to the gym! Getting your heart rate up and sweating out bad toxins is extremely beneficial to your overall health and builds up your immune system.
  • Take N’ICE cough drops! They conveniently fit in your purse, book bag, or pocket.

Raves and Reviews

But don’t take our word for it - take our customers. Dave from California says: “Easier to put in your pocket than a tin can. I took N’ICE to court with me during my trial and immediately felt better. No embarrassing cough while speaking in front of the Judge.” Jake from Arkansas states, “I felt my body aching and I knew it was because of a lack of vitamins. I have been taking the Vitamin C lozenge and feeling a difference.” And Natalie from Dubai raves, “I couldn’t stand to see and hear my little boy coughing. We immediately tried N’ICE and saw a difference. I don’t bother with any other product! Thank you!”